19 Days Sit In Program: Exploring Some Tourism Sites in Tegal

May 28, 2019 0 By Admin Ocia
19 Days Sit In Program: Exploring Some Tourism Sites in Tegal

Four students of Hatyai University, Thailand visited mangrove forest inside Pantai Alam Indah, Tegal. It only takes 5 minutes near the campus. They also visited Hot Water Boom, Guciku in Bumijawa. They spent the afternoon while relaxing in a natural hot springs pool surrounded by beautiful scenery. They visited Prabanlintang pine forest in Bojong. This nature park has shady pine trees growing alongside other typical tropical trees. The students were enjoying a leisurely walk and shooting countless of photos in Prabanlintang pine forest. Enjoying boat tour sightseeing at Pandansari mangrove forest Brebes. They were also walking over a wooden bridge and saw many unique sea creatures inside the mangrove forest. In the middle of the mangrove forest, there was an Angklung performance that the visitor might enjoy.